Friday, May 07, 2004


This is a time of endings. This is a time of goodbyes. This year has been that way. Today has especially been that way.

This morning I woke up and watch the two hour series finale of Dawson's Creek. Yes, I know Dawson's Creek ended ages ago. But I didn't watch it ages ago. I only made fun of those who watched it back then. But this year I started watching the reruns on TBS and I sort of got hooked. Really after a while I just wanted to know how the show ended. So today I saw it. I cried.

I had lunch with the boys.

I got this phone call requesting I come to some banquet I had RSVP'ed not to go to. I heard several people speak about the end of the year. Dr. Eileen Hulme gave a report of what all had been done throughout the year. I began to tear up realizing my time at Baylor was nearly over. Sometimes I hate my job. I get so pissed at the way things are done sometimes. Often I love my job! I love that I get to work with incredible students. I love that "I knew them when..." Some of these men and women will eventually change the world and I will have the great privilege of knowing that in spite of all my deficiencies God ministered to them through me. I'm going to miss my students. I got some award which again made me want to cry. It again clarifies this is the end.

I had a dinner tonight with some of the people I started Truett with who are still here. There really aren't that many of us left. We talked about our time here and who we had lost track of and what our plans are. I am leaving. Going to Africa. Working with an organization many of them hate. But I am following God with both fear and excitement.

Sidenote - My friend Christy says that if there is anything in female fashion I don't like, it is probably in style. However I really like one style going on right now. I love the comeback of skirts. Granted they are often way to short and rather dangerous with a burst of wind, but when tasteful they are so stinkin' cute. I have two friends who pull it off very well. Watson and Hatfield are great skirt girls. They can pull of a skirt with a pair of old tennis shoes and a Tshirt. Cute girls. If I wasn't so scared of girls I might chase after one of those cute skirt girls and try to marry them.

Tonight I went to Jen's and watched the series finale of friends. I didn't cry this time but there were some moments of great laughter and excitement.

Momentarilly I will begin my last final. I will be finished with my formal education. Wow!

Saturday Christy is throwing me some party. Numbers of my friends have been invited to celebrate my going overseas (or my leaving one, I'm not real sure). I've never had friends really. I wonder if for the first time in my life I will keep up with these friends. Waco has changed me. It has made me into a different person than I was three and a half short years ago.

May 1, Mark and I decided to start our "lasts." "This is the last time will will be here or do this." Christy gets upset when we talk about it. I do too, but laughing about it keeps me from getting sad.

This is the end of so many great things. But endings always mean beginnings also. I wonder what is beginning. I know I am going overseas but what is beginning in this new stage of life. How will I change? How will I grow? Will I fall back to the person I used to be? Who will I love? Who will I play with, and laugh with, and cry with? Who's mom will I talk about? Who will I give a ride home?

I am heartbroken; but I am so excited! What is beginning? What is next?

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