Sunday, May 09, 2004


I pulled it off once in college. My birthday came and went and the only people who knew were my family. Every year I do all that I can to not let anyone know that my birthday has come and gone. I try to hide it from everyone I know. I feel so selfish letting anybody know that I have a birthday. I don't like there to be events that are focused on me. I would much rather get together on behalf of others.

Last night my friends got together in my honor. It was tough. Christy continued to tell me that she wanted to throw me a goodbye party as I prepare to leave for Africa. I didn't want her to do it, until we were told at the hiring conference, "Let your friends have parties for you." I told Christy she could do it but I would prefer not help plan the thing. All I had to do was give her some names to add to the list she had made. Last night I got to see some of those show up.

An event like this doesn't say so much about those who couldn't make it, but it says some great things about those who do make it. As I was driving home I was thinking through the people who sacrificed to make it to this thing to say "goodbye" even though they aren't really saying goodbye yet. I was seeing faces and names of those who stopped by, those who brought cards, and those who were willing to pray for me publicly.

Several people came to mind, but one stuck out a bit. One friend who was there hasn't always been a friend. For some reason I still don't understand the two of us have never gotten along very well. We had some things happen as we got to know one another that kept us from connecting I guess. But the last year has been different. Over the last year we have gotten to know each other much better. And this individual means a lot to me. The person didn't have to come; they had no responsibility. They didn't have to make sure that they talked to me one on one, but they did. We have become friends and I am so thankful. We are very different people, but then again that is the case with me and a lot of my friends. I only regret that we waited so long to get to know one another.

Megan was there last night, her laugh is hilarious. As almost everyone had left, a few of us just sat in the living room and listened to her talk and tell jokes and especially laugh. Her laughter is contagious. I love it. She and I have only known each other for the last year, but I will miss her laugh. I told her last night that she is going to have to record it and send it to me. It will be a great heartwarmer on a lonely day.

I have yet to read through the cards I was given. Christy had them bring two types. One was for me to open last night. Christy made me open them in front of everyone. The other stack is not to be opened until I get to Africa. HOLY COW!! That is such a long time for me to hold on to a stack of cards. Sure, it will be a blessing to open them in Africa, but it will be hard to wait. Several included gift cards in their card last night. One of the many were Jason and Joslyn. It was great to have them there. They are engaged!! I couldn't believe people sacrificed what they did so that I might have gifts. The cards will be so valuable for me as I purchase supplies to carry over with me.

The most incredible thing that was done last night was the prayer. We all gathered in Dwight's living room as the group of people gathered around me, and prayed over me. What a blessing to hear friends that you love prayer to our heavenly father for wisdom, protection, guidance, courage, strength, transformation, and so many other prayers. It was powerful and very encouraging to receive their words. Over the next several months those prayers will help pull me through. Many of them signed up to commit to pray to me as I go. Many of those prayers will be my strength to continue to live among the people of Northeast Africa.

Thank you friends! I love you!

For my own sake I want a list of names (please forgive me if I forget you, this is completely from memory): Jason, Joslyn, Eric, Brian, Neil, Steven, Lisa, Julie, Jen, Myles, Ryan, Kristen, Pam, Cori, Anna, Liz, Claire, Kimberly, Murph, Lizzie, Megan, Coleman, Dana, Andrew, Potter, April, Bethany. I feel bad cause I know I have left people out, but I will add them as I remember (it's early dang it!).

And especially the gang (I didn't forget you guys): Mark, Jason, Christy, Dwight, Chris, Mikel. You guys mean more to me than I could ever put into words. I am fully aware that I would not be the person I am today not the person I hope to become if it were not for the inspiration that each of you have been in my life. I will miss you immensely!

Thank you friends! I love you!